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Pat Duggins
Pat Duggins
Senior News Analyst


September 14, 2007— Call it "democracy meets the space age".

We asked people to go to and cast their votes for a new name for this blog. "Pat’s Space Blog" just seemed to lack that certain "Je ne sais quois". We added up the votes, and the suggested titles, and the majority picked…

"Pat’s Launch Pad"

That’s that.

But, I didn’t want to let the occasion pass without tipping my hat to some of the really creative ideas people sent in. There were a lot of good suggestions, so this list should be considered "including, but not limited to…"

Mark Wise suggested "Out to Launch"

Steve Cody wrote in with "One Giant Leap"

How about Chris Desilets’, which was "Exploring Space with Pat"

Rory Trumbore suggested "Go Boldly" (an obvious homage to the Star Trek set!)

And the sentimental favorite of many, though not enough to win, was…"Ground Control to Major Pat" from John Vargas--You have to be a David Bowie fan to get that one ;)

Many thanks to all who surfed our way and voted!